Federal Reserve Board

2024 Stress Test Results

July 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Welcomes the Entry into Force of the Framework Establishing the AMLA

July 2024 AML/CFT
European Central Bank

ECB Publishes First Progress Report on Digital Euro Preparation Phase

July 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Publishes Amendments to Counterparty Credit Risk Standards as Part of its New Roadmap for the Implementation of the Banking Package in the EU

July 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Updates the Pillar 3 Disclosure Framework Finalising the Implementation of the Basel III Pillar 3 Framework

July 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Publishes Final Standards for Assessing the Materiality of Extensions and Changes to New Market Risk Internal Models

July 2024
European Banking Authority

Profitability of EU Banks Remains Resilient although the Sector is Confronted with Materialising Credit Risks

July 2024
Federal Reserve Board

Banks and Non-Banks are not Separate, but Interwoven

July 2024
European System of Financial Supervision

ESAs Propose Improvements to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

June 2024
Bank for International Settlements

Intelligent Financial System - How AI is Transforming Finance

June 2024
European Systemic Risk Board

ESRB Publishes EU Non-bank Financial Intermediation Risk Monitor 2024

June 2024
European Central Bank

Digital Innovation and Banking Regulation

June 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on the New Framework for the Operational Risk Loss as Part of the Implementation of the EU Banking Package

June 2024
European Banking Authority

Final Report - Greenwashing Monitoring and Supervision

June 2024
International Organization of Securities Commissions

IOSCO Publishes Final Report on Leveraged Loans and CLOs Good Practices for Consideration

June 2024
European Central Bank

ECB Consults on Outsourcing Cloud Services

June 2024
European Council

Basel III Reforms - New EU Rules to Increase Banks’ Resilience to Economic Shocks

June 2024
US Treasury

US Treasury Releases Joint Policy Statement and Principles on Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM)

June 2024
European Central Bank

Reforming the SREP - an Important Milestone towards more Efficient and Effective Supervision in a New Risk Environment

June 2024
European Central Bank

Designing a Macroprudential Capital Buffer for Climate-Related Risks

June 2024
European Capital Markets Institute

The Future of Derivatives Clearing - Finding the Right Balance between Efficiency and Resilience?

June 2024
Financial Stability Board

FSB Examines Vulnerabilities in Short-Term Funding Markets

June 2024
European Council

European Council Gives Final Green Light to the First Worldwide Rules on AI

June 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on Draft Guidelines on Acquisition, Development and Construction Exposures to Residential Property under the Standardised Approach of Credit Risk

June 2024
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Basel Committee Publishes Report on the Digitalisation of Finance

May 2024

Beyond Climate, Addressing Financial Risks from Nature and Biodiversity Loss

May 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on Draft Technical Standards on Equivalent Mechanism for Unfinished Property under the Standardised Approach of Credit Risk

May 2024
Federal Reserve Board

Federal Reserve Board Releases Summary of the Exploratory Pilot Climate Scenario Analysis (CSA) Exercise that it Conducted with Six of the Nation’s Largest Banks

May 2024
European Central Bank

2023 Macroprudential Stress Test of the Euro Area Banking System

May 2024
Federal Reserve Board

U.S. Agencies Issue Guide to Assist Community Banks to Develop and Implement Third-Party Risk Management Practices

May 2024
European Central Bank

Final Guide on Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting

May 2024
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

EIOPA's Report on the Digitalisation of the European Insurance Sector

May 2024 Insurance
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Basel Committee Publishes Consultation on Guidelines for Counterparty Credit Risk Management

May 2024
European System of Financial Supervision

ESAs Risk Update: Risks Remain High in the EU Financial sSystem

May 2024
Deutsche Bundesbank

CBDC and Banks - Disintermediating Fast and Slow

May 2024
Centre for Economic Policy Research

Transformation of Activities and Risks between Bank and Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries

May 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on Draft Technical Standards on the Specification of Long and Short Positions under the Derogations for Market and Counterparty Risks

May 2024
Financial Conduct Authority

Potential Competition Impacts from the Data Asymmetry between Big Tech Firms and Firms in Financial Services

May 2024
International Swaps and Derivatives Association

GenAI in the Derivatives Market - a Future Perspective

May 2024
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

EIOPA’s Year-End 2022 Study on Market and Credit Risk Modelling Reveals Continuing Dispersion

May 2024 Insurance
European System of Financial Supervision

ESAs Consult on Technical Standards for Joint Examination Teams under DORA

May 2024
European Central Bank

Climate Change-Related Statistical Indicators

May 2024
European Central Bank

Digital Euro Safeguards – Protecting Financial Stability and Liquidity in the Banking Sector

April 2024
Financial Stability Board

FSB Proposes Measures to Enhance the Liquidity Preparedness of Non-Bank Market Participants for Margin and Collateral Calls During Times of Market-Wide Stress

April 2024
Bank for International Settlements

The Role of Climate Scenario Analysis in Strengthening the Management and Supervision of Climate-Related Financial Risks

April 2024
European Systemic Risk Board

ESRB Publishes Report on Operational Policy Tools for Cyber Resilience

April 2024
European Central Bank

Transactional Demand for Central Bank Digital Currency

April 2024
SUERF Policy Note

2023 Report on Market Risk Benchmarking Exercises

April 2024
SUERF Policy Note

Projecting Banks’ Net Interest Income; an Asset-Liability Approach, Applied to the Euro Area

April 2024
European Securities and Markets Authority

New Report Sheds Light on Quality and Use of Regulatory Data Across EU

April 2024
European Banking Authority

2023 Report on Credit Risk Benchmarking Exercises

April 2024
European Securities and Markets Authority

ESMA Publishes First Overview of EU Securities Financing Transactions Markets

April 2024
International Monetary Fund

A Primer on Bitcoin Cross-Border Flows; Measurement and Drivers

April 2024
European Banking Authority

EBA’s Risk Dashboard: EU Banks are Robust, but Signs of Credit Quality Deterioration are Becoming Apparent

April 2024
European Systemic Risk Board

ESRB Publishes Report on How Climate-Related Risks are Reflected in IFRS Financial Statements

April 2024
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Stress Tests European Insurers’ Resilience with a Scenario of Escalating Geopolitical Tensions

April 2024 Insurance
USA Department of Commerce

U.S. and UK Announce Partnership on Science of AI Safety

April 2024
A. Turing Institute

The Impact of Large Language Models in Finance - Towards Trustworthy Adoption

April 2024
U.S. Department of the Treasury

U.S. Department of the Treasury Releases Report on Managing Artificial Intelligence-Specific Cybersecurity Risks in the Financial Sector

April 2024
National Institute of Standards and Technology

AI Use Taxonomy - A Human-Centered Approach

April 2024
European Central Bank

Technical Note on the Provision of Multiple Digital Euro Accounts to Individual End User

April 2024
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

Continues Building Climate Resilience

April 2024
European Central Bank

Business as Usual - Bank Climate Commitments, Lending, and Engagement

April 2024
Centre for Economic Policy Research

How the Financial Authorities can Take Advantage of Artificial Intelligence

April 2024
European Securities and Markets Authority

T+1 Feedback Report Shows Mixed Impacts of Shortening the Settlement Cycle in the EU

April 2024
Bank of Italy

The Green Sin - How Exchange Rate Volatility and Financial Openness Affect Green Premia

April 2024
ECB's Supervisory Board

Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting - Ramping up Supervisory Effectiveness

April 2024
European Central Bank

ECB and EBA Step up Efforts to Make Banking Industry Data Reporting More Efficient

April 2024
Bank of Italy

Portfolio Decarbonisation Strategies, Questions and Suggestions

April 2024
Bank of Italy

Business Operational Risks and Insurance Coverage - Evidence from the RBLS Survey of Banks

April 2024 Operational Risk
Centre for European Policy Studies

EMIR 3.0, an Unfortunate Case of the National Interest Outshining the European Interest

April 2024
European Parliament

Artificial Intelligence Act: European Parliament Adopts Landmark Law

April 2024
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Union-Wide Strategic Supervisory Priorities 2024-2026

April 2024 Insurance
Federal Reserve Board

Stablecoins and Crypto Shocks

March 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on Guidelines on Redemption Plans under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation

March 2024

An analysis of the Metaverse IP Landscape

March 2024
Bank of Canada

Decomposing Large Banks’ Systemic Trading Losses

March 2024
Single Resolution Board

Tackling Trading Book Risk in Resolution

March 2024
European Money Markets Institute

Final Results of Consultation Paper on Proposed Changes to Euribor® Methodology

March 2024
Securities and Exchange Commission

US SEC Adopts Rules to Enhance and Standardize Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors

March 2024
International Capital Market Association

New Paper on Liquidity and Resilience in the Core European Sovereign Bond Markets

March 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on Draft Technical Standards on Off-Balance Sheet Items Under the Standardised Approach of Credit Risk

March 2024
LSE - Grantham Research Institute

Aligning Sovereign Bond Markets with the Net Zero Transition: The Role of Central Banks

March 2024
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Basel Committee Agrees to Revisions to Basel Core Principles, Consults on Addressing Window-Dressing in the G-SIB Framework and Reaffirms Expectation about Basel III Implementation

March 2024
SUERF Policy Note

Successful Banking Crisis Management Requires a Unitary European Authority for Resolution and Deposit Insurance

March 2024
European Central Bank

Enhancing Repo Market Transparency; the EU Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR)

March 2024
Financial Stability Board

FSB Review Finds uneven Implementation of Money Market Fund Reforms

March 2024
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Cybersecurity Framework 2.0: Resource & Overview Guide

March 2024 ITC Risk
European Central Bank

New Policy for more Bank Board Expertise on ICT and Security Risks

March 2024
European Central Bank

ESG Data Quality: Pillar 3 Disclosures in Focus

March 2024
European Central Bank

Rise in Outsourcing Calls for Attention

March 2024 Operational Risk
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on Amendments to the Operational Risk Pillar 3 and Supervisory Reporting Requirements to Implement the Basel III Reforms in the EU

March 2024 Operational Risk
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on the New Framework for the Business Indicator for Operational Risk as Part of the Implementation of the EU Banking Package

March 2024 Operational Risk
European Central Bank

Updates Guide to Internal Models

March 2024
Federal Reserve Board

Federal Reserve Board Releases the Hypothetical Scenarios for its Annual Stress Test

February 2024
International Capital Market Association

Transition Finance in the Debt Capital Market

February 2024
Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures

Publish Discussion Paper and Call for Comments on Streamlining Variation Margin in Centrally Cleared Markets

February 2024
Single Resolution Board

Single Resolution Board publishes MREL Dashboard Q3 2023

February 2024
Bank for International Settlements

The Economic Implications of Services in the Metaverse

February 2024
Commodity Futures Trading Commission

USA CFTC Releases Request for Comment on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in CFTC-Regulated Markets

February 2024
European Systemic Risk Board

ESRB Publishes Follow-Up Report on Residential Real Estate Sector Vulnerabilities

February 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on Draft Technical Standards on Residual Risk Add-On Hedges under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book

February 2024
European System of Financial Supervision

ESAs Recommend Steps to Enhance the Monitoring of BigTechs’ Financial Services Activities

February 2024
European Central Bank

€STR Annual Methodology Review

February 2024
European Securities and Markets Authority

ESMA Steps up its Monitoring of EU Alternative Investment Funds and Sees Potential Risks in Funds Exposed to Leverage and Liquidity Mismatches

February 2024
Bank of Canada

Market Structure of Cryptoasset Exchanges: Introduction, Challenges and Emerging Trends

February 2024
European Securities and Markets Authority

ESMA Consults on Reverse Solicitation and Classification of Crypto Assets as Financial Instruments under MiCA

February 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Seeks Inputs from Credit Institutions on the Classification Methodologies for Exposures to ESG Risks

February 2024
International Organization of Securities Commissions

IOSCO Seeks Feedback on Post Trade Risk Reduction Services

February 2024
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

EIOPA Study on Diversification between Risks in Internal Models Underlines the Importance of Continued Supervisory Attention

February 2024 Insurance
European Central Bank

Risks from Misalignment of Banks’ Financing with the EU Climate Objectives

February 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Publishes its Heatmap Following Scrutiny of the Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book

February 2024
Financial Stability Board

FSB Sets Out 2024 Work Programme

February 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Consults on Guidelines on the Management of ESG Risks

February 2024
Financial Stability Board

FSB Examines Italy’s Progress in Reducing Non-Performing Loans in its Banking Sector

February 2024
European Banking Authority

EBA Consults on Amending the Data Collection for the Benchmarking Exercise in 2025

February 2024
Financial Conduct Authority

The Future of Global Fintech - Towards Resilient and Inclusive Growth

January 2024
Financial Conduct Authority

Quantum Security for the Financial Sector - Informing Global Regulatory Approaches

January 2024
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Report Sets Out Recommendations for Good Margin Practices in Non-Centrally Cleared Markets

January 2024
European System of Financial Supervision

ESAs Publish first Set of Rules under DORA for ICT and Third-Party Risk Management and Incident Classification

January 2024 Operational Risk
European Banking Authority

EBA Consults on Targeted Amendments to the Prudent Valuation Framework

January 2024
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Transparency and Responsiveness of Initial Margin in Centrally Cleared Markets: Review and Policy Proposals

January 2024
European Banking Authority

EBA Issues Guidance to Crypto-Asset Service Providers to Effectively Manage their Exposure to ML/TF Risks

January 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Publishes an Analysis of Specific Aspects of the Net Stable Funding Ratio Framework

January 2024
European Central Bank

Destabilisation of Bank Deposits across Destinations: Assessment and Policy Implications

January 2024
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

EIOPA Analyses Internal Models for Non-Life Underwriting Risk

January 2024 Insurance
European Banking Authority

Banks Remain Robust but Higher Interest Rates could Impact their Asset Quality

January 2024
European Banking Authority

The EBA Revises Reporting Requirements for Market Risk

January 2024
European Securities and Markets Authority

ESMA Explores Risk Exposures to Real Estate in EU Securities Markets and Investment Funds

January 2024
Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Decentralized Finance

January 2024
European Central Bank

ECB to Stress Test Banks’ Ability to Recover from Cyberattack

January 2024 ITC Risk
Financial Stability Board

FSB and IOSCO Publish Policies to Address Vulnerabilities from Liquidity Mismatch in Open-Ended Funds

January 2024
European Banking Authority

EU Banks’ Liquidity Coverage Ratio Declined but Remains well above the Minimum Requirement

January 2024
European System of Financial Supervision

ESAs Propose Extending the EMIR Equity Option Exemption

January 2024
European Securities and Markets Authority

ESMA Presents Methodology for Climate Risk Stress Testing and Analysis of the Financial Impact of Greenwashing Controversies

January 2024
International Organization of Securities Commissions

IOSCO Finalises its Policy Recommendations for Decentralized Finance

January 2024
European Central Bank

Banking Supervision: SSM Supervisory Priorities for 2024-2026

January 2024
European Central Bank

Aggregated Results of SREP 2023

January 2024
Association for Financial Markets in Europe

Integration, Sustainability and Competitiveness

January 2024
European Banking Authority

An Increase in the Current Deposit Coverage Level of EUR 100,000 Would Have Limited Impact on Financial Stability and Depositor Protection

January 2024
Financial Stability Board

Rising Interest Rate Environment Led to a Decline in Non-Bank Financial Intermediation in 2022

January 2024
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Finance

January 2024