Michele Bonollo


He holds a degree in mathematics, a master degree in mathematical finance and a PHD in statistics. He worked as an executive in both large and regional italian banks. He has also collaborated with some consultant companies in the broad area of risk management, asset management, pricing models, software systems and regulatory compliance. Along with his professional activities, he always develops applied research in the above fields, with about 20 papers published in scientific journals and dozens of speeches in international conferences. He currently gives seminars and lessons in some top ranked italian universities.


Smart Working e Sistemi a Supporto

The LIBOR Reform and the Revolution of the New Benchmark Rates: Overnight Rates and New Conventions on Contracts and Instruments

The LIBOR Reform and the New Reference Rates Revolution: Origin and Guidelines

SFDR: The European SFDR Regulation on ESG Disclosure in Finance

Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book

New Standard Conventions for Cash Product and Impacts on Banking Processes and Procedures
